Creepy John The Killer

A collab made by godzillafan1 and sonic'sadventure33473
My nayem is creep john
i fap in public, cuz i dont give a fuck
and wen people pass by me I stick my tounge out like twilight cyrus
(twilight sparkle + myley cyrus = twighlight cyrus)
i wont clean up my mess in my pants, cuz fuk messes
i love judas preist, and i fap to his musik at night
I pay my godamn tax dollas and I fap on them before I send them
now erryone hates me ;^;
but I gunna keel der asses wit a evul skeleton sanic plushie
that I fapped on
this one tyem, i was on a train, den i shat my pants cuz da train was goin so fast, den i took of my pants and threw it at someone
teh person was coverd in shit den i pissed out of shocked den i ran around the train naked then we fucked
then we exchanged condoms with guns taped to them
den we had secks with guns
and i axednetly pulled teh triggger
and then terrorist angels decended from heaven
they murdered erryone on da train
including the train
but not me
cause I swag yolo
i fuked the murders into a bloody pulp, then i used their skull to break the windows on teh train
i escaped through the window den i went to a destert and fapped next to a cactus
I had sex with the cactus it was hot
and prickly
I also had sex with a whale 1 time
it bit my dick off but it glued it back on  i saw sumthing in teh sky;
it was a dildo shaped ufo
teh dildo ufo flew staright down to me
i tried to fuck it, but no luck'
it fucked me instead ;^;
hyper realistic blud flew out of my ass and it was amazin but
wen the evul skeleton sanac doll killed errything
I had nothing to fuck
except myself